Can My Dog Dig Holes Through Turf Protection Mesh?

Turf Protection Mesh On Grass

If you have the Tenax turf protection mesh, you may wonder whether your dog can dig through it. After all, especially if you have a small dog, keeping them contained in a fenced area and stopping them from digging holes in your grass can be challenging. Thankfully, to mitigate this problem, turf protection mesh has been created to protect your grass and stop damage from pets and vehicles from occurring. How often have you accidentally parked in your driveway and damaged the grass? If this is the case, you need some turf yard protection.

Why Is Turf Protection Mesh The Best Solution For Curious Dogs?

Regarding dogs digging, these behaviors can come about due to various circumstances; whether boredom or attempting to escape, your dog usually digs for a reason. According to the American Kennel Club, some of these behaviors stem from some dogs' ancestry of hunting and digging deep to find prey, and many breeds require mental stimulation and exercise to stop destructive behaviors. Once you provide your dog with the right tools and training, digging should be fine, but if there are specific places you would not like your dog to dig, you can use turf protection mesh.

This mesh is non-toxic to animals and can be reused many times. The turf protection mesh should be placed on the ground in the spring or fall growing season so you can see the best results. Also, turf protection mesh has UV stabilizers, so you always receive a long-lasting green color. If you are looking out for the environment, this turf protection mesh is made from HDPE and EVA polymers and polyolefin meshes, so it is 100% recyclable. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid to place it in your dog's play area or other places where children and pets will be.

Best Features Of Ground Protection Mesh

Some great features of turf protection materials include:

  • Natural Look
  • Stops Damage From Vehicles, Pedestrians, And Dogs
  • Can Be Secured With Cost-Effective Tenax Staples
  • Reduces The Stormwater Run Off
  • Ensures Deep Grass Roots For New, Healthy Grass

Keep Your Dog And Yard Safe With Tenax Turf Protection Mesh

Keep your dog and yard safe with Tenax ground and turf protection mesh. This turf protection is safe for pups and keeps your grass healthy. If you are looking for this high-quality mesh, view all our selection below:

Turf Protection